French Army List for
Blitizkrieg Commander
This is my own private Blitizkrieg
Commander army list
for the French in 1940. While I hope it meets with Pete's approval, it
is totally unofficial. Thanks go to Pete for allowing me to post it;
even with some of the original unchanged troops present.

French Army, France
& The Low Countries (5/40-6/40)
CO (Command Value 8) |
Command |
60 |
3 |
6 |
6 |
50 |
1 |
HQ (Command Value 7) |
Command |
40 |
2 |
4 |
6 |
30 |
-/3 (6) |
FAO (Command Value 7) |
Command |
- |
- |
4 |
6 |
15 |
-/- (2) |
1 |
Recce Unit (Motorcycles) |
Recce |
20 |
3/30* |
3 |
- |
45 |
-/- (4) |
Recce Unit (Cavalry) |
Recce |
30 |
3/30* |
3 |
- |
55 |
-/- (4) |
2 |
11 |
Recce Unit (Panhard) |
Recce |
20 |
2/30# |
3 |
6 |
45 |
-/- (4) |
Recce Unit (AMR, MG) |
Recce |
30 |
1/20* |
3 |
6 |
45 |
-/- (2) |
Recce Unit (AMR, 13.2mm) |
Recce |
30 |
1/20 |
3 |
6 |
50 |
-/- (2) |
10 |
Recce Unit (AMR, 25mm) |
Recce |
30 |
2/30# |
3 |
6 |
55 |
-/- (1) |
Recce Unit (H-39) |
Recce |
20 |
2/30h |
3 |
5 |
60 |
-/- (4) |
(r) |
6, 15 |
Infantry Unit |
Infantry |
10 |
3/30* |
6 |
- |
20 |
3/- |
Support Unit (MG) |
Infantry |
10 |
3/50* |
5 |
- |
25 |
-/9 |
Support Unit (ATG, 25mm) |
Infantry |
- |
2/30# |
5 |
6 |
10 |
-/3 |
Support Unit (ATG, 37mm) |
Infantry |
- |
2/20h |
5 |
6 |
10 |
-/3 |
6 |
Support Unit (Mortar) |
Infantry |
10 |
3/120 |
5 |
- |
40 |
-/3 |
Support Unit (AA, 25mm) |
Infantry |
- |
2/30 |
5 |
- |
10 |
-/2 |
16 |
Engineer Unit |
Engineers |
10 |
3/30* |
6 |
- |
40 |
-/3 (6) |
Light Tank Unit (AMC-35 25mm) |
Armour |
20 |
2/30# |
3 |
5 |
35 |
-/- (2) |
12 |
Light Tank Unit (AMC-35 47mm) |
Armour |
20 |
2/50 |
3 |
5 |
35 |
-/- (2) |
12 |
Light Tank Unit (FCM-36) |
Armour |
20 |
2/30h |
3 |
5 |
35 |
-/- (4) |
(r) |
13 |
Light Tank Unit (FT-31, MG) |
Armour |
10 |
1/30* |
2 |
6 |
10 |
-/- |
(r) |
5 |
Light Tank Unit (FT-17c, 37mm) |
Armour |
10 |
2/20h |
2 |
6 |
15 |
-/- |
(r) 1 |
6, 7 |
Light Tank Unit (H-35 H-39) |
Armour |
20 |
2/30h |
3 |
5 |
40 |
-/- |
(r) |
6 |
Light Tank Unit (H-35 H-39 SA38) |
Armour |
20 |
2/40 |
3 |
5 |
45 |
-/- |
(r) |
4 |
Light Tank Unit (R-35) |
Armour |
10 |
2/30h |
3 |
5 |
35 |
-/- |
(r) |
6 |
Light Tank Unit (R-39) |
Armour |
10 |
2/40 |
3 |
5 |
40 |
-/- |
(r) |
4 |
Light Tank Unit (R-40) |
Armour |
10 |
2/40 |
3 |
5 |
40 |
-/- (4) |
(r) |
9 |
Medium Tank Unit (S-35) |
Armour |
20 |
2/50 |
4 |
5 |
60 |
-/- (8) |
(r) |
Medium Tank Unit (Char B1 bis) |
Armour |
10 |
3/50h |
5 |
5 |
75 |
-/- (9) |
(r) |
6 |
Medium Tank Unit (Char D2) |
Armour |
10 |
2/50 |
4 |
5 |
50 |
-/- (4) |
(r) |
13 |
Anti-Tank Gun Unit (25mm) |
Anti-Tank |
- |
2/30# |
5 |
6 |
10 |
-/- (4) |
Anti-Tank Gun Unit (25mm, Portee) |
Anti-Tank |
20 |
2/30# |
3 |
- |
20 |
-/- (2) |
(r) |
Anti-Tank Gun Unit (47mm) |
Anti-Tank |
- |
3/50# |
5 |
6 |
30 |
-/- (2) |
8 |
Anti-Tank Gun Unit (W15TCC) |
Anti-Tank |
20 |
3/50# |
3 |
6 |
40 |
-/- (3) |
(r/o) 3 |
14 |
Anti-Tank Gun Unit (75mm Field Gun) |
Anti-Tank |
- |
3/50h |
4 |
- |
35 |
-/- (2) |
(r) |
6 |
Artillery Unit (75mm) |
Artillery |
- |
2 |
4 |
- |
30 |
-/- (6) |
Artillery Unit (105mm) |
Artillery |
- |
3 |
3 |
- |
45 |
-/- (3) |
(r) |
Artillery Unit (155mm) |
Artillery |
- |
4 |
2 |
- |
60 |
-/- (3) |
(r) |
Medium Bombers (Leo/Martin) |
Aircraft |
- |
6 |
6 |
- |
100 |
-/- (1) |
Transport Unit (Horses) |
Transport |
10 |
- |
3 |
- |
5 |
-/- |
Transport Unit (Trucks/Half-Tracks) |
Transport |
20 |
- |
3 |
- |
10 |
-/- |
Transport Unit (Lorraine Carriers) |
Transport |
20 |
1/20* |
3 |
6 |
20 |
-/3 |
(r) |
- FT-31: No bonus for shooting at targets with 20cm
- Cavalry: 1/20 attacks against armour
- W15TCC: Restricted field of fire - rear.
Authour's Comments...
- The FAO can no longer move to represent his relience on
telphone rather than wireless communications. The command value has
been increased by one.They performed well in set-piece engagements,
their problem was they couldn't cope with a fluid battlefield. The
French had more artillery than any other army of the
period so the limit has been increased.
- I have removed the "Recce Unit (Infantry)" because all
infantry divisions had attached "cavalry" battalions,
the GRDI,
to perform scouting.
- I have removed the "Transport Unit (Motorcycles)" because
these should only be used by the "cavalry" as recce
- French Renault and Hotchkiss light tank platoons typicall
included one up-gunned tank per platoon with a long 37mm SA38. These
are included in this list to allow the French player to weild them in
the same mannar as the British Firefly later in the war. They have no
limit, except that only one per platoon may be fielded.
- The FT-31 was the machine-gun armed FT-17m which had been
upgraded with a modern 7.5mm machine-gun in 1931.
- Now classed as Howitzer and the cost changed appropriately.
Iindicated by the letter
‘h’ after the attacks, they may only fire at armour
within 30cm and do not get any bonus for firing at targets within half
their range.
- No machine-gun, so no bonus for shooting at
targets with 20cm.
- The 47mm SA 37 was the best anti-tank gun on the 1940
battlefield. It has had both its attacks and cost
increased. Its
one fault was that it had no HE ammo. The 47mm SA 25 in the S-35 and B1
bis was not as good an anti-tank weapon but was dual-purpose firing
both APC and HE.
- The R-40 was rare and a limit has been added.
- It was decided that the AMR units needed some intrinsic
capability. To do this it was decided to up-gun some AMR 35s giving
them a 13.2mm Hotchkiss heavy machine-gun, which could penetrate 20mm
steel at 500m.
- Some cavalry units were equipped with the
Boys anti-tank rifle which the French recieved from the
Britsih in exchange for 25mm anti-tank guns.
- New tank. The only French tank with a turret for more than
one man, and thus without (r).
- New tank
- New Tank Hunter. 47mm ATG on a partially armoured W15T 6x6
truck chassis. These were excelent vehicles and only slightly fewer in
number than the German equivalent; the PanzerJager I.
- Some Hotchkiss light tanks (3rd DLM) were used in
the Recce role instead of AMR because the were not enough AMR produced.
- New AA gun. This was used in a dual air and ground role;
especially by the mobile anti-tank batteries. It was fully automatic
unlike the anti-tank gun which was only semi-automatic. This meant that
it was reasonably effective with a HE round. It's higher rate-of-fire
also makes up for its slightly poorer armour penetration. However its
lack of gun-shield to protect its crew doesn't allow it a save.