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The French Army of 1940
Models in 10mm / 12mm / N-Gauge


AMR 33

Pithead Fv10

AMR 35

Pithead Fv27
Pendraken FRE19
Pendraken FRE20

Char 2C

Pendraken FRE11

Char B-1 bis

Minifigs FV-01
Pendraken GR27
Pithead Fv11
Wargames South FR1

Char D-2

Pithead Fv30

FCM 36

Pithead Fv35

Hotchkiss H-35

Minifigs FV-02
Pithead Fv6 (with 37mm SA18)
Pithead Fv7 (with 37mm SA38)
Pendraken FRE2

Hotchkiss H-39

(1) Minifigs FV-02
Pithead Fv9
Pendraken FRE3

Lorraine 37L Supply Carrier

Minifigs FV-52
Pendraken FRE18

Lorraine 38L VBCP Carrier

Minifigs FV-52
Pendraken FRE18
Pithead Fv15

Panhard 178 AMD 35

Minifigs FV-03
Pendraken FRE13
Pithead Fv13

Renault FT-17c

Minifigs FV-05
Pendraken F9
Wargames South WWF3

Renault R-35

Pithead Fv8
Pendraken FRE12

Renault R-39

(2) Hull from Pithead Fv8 and 
turret from Pithead Fv7 

Renault UE Tractor

Pithead Fv14
Pendraken FRE4


Minifigs FV-04
Pendraken FRE1
Pithead Fv12
Wargames South FR2


Citroen 23u Light Truck

Minifigs FV-51
Pendraken FRE17

Citroën-Kégresse P19 VDP

Pithead Fv18

Horse-drawn Limber

Minifigs FV-84
Pendraken ME13A

Kegresse light gun tractor

Pithead Fv18

Kegresse machine gun carrier

Pithead Fv19

Kegresse staff car

Pithead Fv20

Laffy S15T Gun Tractor

Pithead Fv5
Pithead call this a W15T but this was only made in
4 examples intended to replace the S15T.

Laffy S20TL Dragons Portés

Pithead Fv4

Laffy S20TL PC Radio Truck

Pithead Fv32

Laffy V15R Scout Car

Pithead Fv3

Laffy V15T Gun Tractor

Pithead Fv17

Laffy W15T Gun Tractor 25mm AC & 47mm AC

Pithead Fv23

Motorcycle Troops / Despatch Rider

Minifigs FI-04
Pithead Fv26

Motorcycle Sidecar Combination

Minifigs FI-04
Pithead Fv26

Renault Truck ADK 1.5ton

Pithead Fv22

Renault Truck ADR Radio Van

Pithead Fv33

Renault Truck AGR 4.5ton

Pithead Fv1

Renault Truck AHN 3.5ton

Pithead Fv2

SOMUA MCG 5 Artillery Tractor

Minifigs FV-53

Unic halftrack

Pithead Fv21
Pendraken FRE14

Civilian Transport

Open Tourer

Pendraken ME21

Staff Car - Peugeot and Citroen

Pithead Fv31


25mm Anti-tank

Minifigs FV-81
Minifigs FI-02
Pithead Fs4
Pendraken FRE6

25mm Anti-aircraft

Pithead Fv19

Laffy S20TL 25mm Anti-tank Portee

Pithead Fv24
(2) Truck from Pithead Fv4 and anti-tank 
gun from Pithead Fs4 or Minifigs FV-81

47mm Anti-tank

Minifigs FV-82
Pithead Fs5
Pendraken FRE7

Laffly W15 TCC 47mm Anti-tank

Pithead Fv16

75mm mle1897 Field (horse-drawn)

Minifigs FV-84
Pendraken F6A
Pithead Fs6

75mm mle1897 Field (towed)

Minifigs FV-84
Pithead Fs7

105mm Howitzer (towed)

Minifigs FV-83
Pithead Fs8 (105 mle 34)
Pithead Fs9 (105 mle 35S)

155mm Howitzer (horse-drawn)

Pendraken F7A
Pithead Fs10



Minifigs FI-01
Pendraken F2
Pendraken FRE8 (Rifle)
Pendraken FRE9 (LMG FM24/29)
Pendraken FRE10 (Platoon leader)
Pithead Fs1

Dragons Portés

Pithead Fs13

Hotchkiss HMG

Minifigs FI-02
Pendraken F4
Pithead Fs2

Brandt Mortar

Minifigs FI-02
Pithead Fs3


Minifigs FI-01
Minifigs FI-02
Pendraken FRE10
Pendraken F1
Pendraken F2

Generals and HQ

Pendraken F16
Pithead Fs12

Field telephone and Radio

Pendraken WW2
Pithead Fs12

Hotchkiss AA

Pithead Fs12

Cycle troops

Pithead Fs11


(2) Horse from Minifigs GI-10
and rider from Minifigs FV-84

  1. Very small difference in this scale.
  2. Conversion needed