Sealion 1940
Battle Report: Expanding the Beachhead
The Germans have landed on the Kent coast between Ramsgate and
Walmington-on-Sea. The beachhead is small and
needs to be expanded and the critical crossroads at Little Pickington
captured in order to stop the British 1st Armoured Division from
advancing and pushing the invaders back into the sea. The British Local
Defence Volunteers have set up their headquarters at the
Nag’s Head in Little Pickington.
The German ships and landing craft were mixed up during the
channel crossing and many were lost to the RAF and RN. A motley
kampgruppe has been pieced together from parts of the 6th Panzer
Leaving a burning butcher's van in its wake, the
kampfgruppe advances northwards and must take the critical
crossroads at Little Pickington in order to hold up the 1st Armoured
Division advancing to attack the bridgehead. If the Germans do not
manage to take the village by nightfall then the 1st Armoured Division
will have a clear run at the beachhead on the following day.
Paratroops have been dropped inland from the beaches and are
disrupting the British command. Over a dozen nuns have already been
arrested and are now sitting in their local police stations.
See full scenario instructions.
German OOB
Elements 6th
Panzer Regt:
Quality: Elite
2x Pz II, 2x Pz III, 1x Px IV, 2x 251 + 4 Inf, 1x 251 + FOO
5x Battalion Lvl fire missions – may use smoke –
may use pre-planned bombardment
Setup: Enter board on turn one.
Elements 6th Mot
Inf Regt:
Quality: Elite
1x Stug III, 3x OpelBlitz w 5 Inf + 1 SFMG, 1x OpelBlitz w 37mm atg
Setup: Enter board on turn one.
Elements 18th
Panzer Recce Regt:
Quality: Elite
1x 232 a/c (recce), 2x 222 a/c (recce), 3x m/c, 2x kfz78 w 4 Inf
Setup: Enter board on turn one. A/c use recce rules
British OOB
Quality: Poor
1x 25pdr, 2x 2pdr atg, 1 FOO, 6 Inf, 2 MMG, 2x Morris a/c (recce)
5x Battalion Lvl fire missions – may use smoke –
may use 2 FDF
2x Barbed-wire, 2x elements may be dug-in
1x unfinished pillbox – may not be occupied, the Germans will
see that it is unfinished when they get within 6.
Setup: On Table, not within rifle range of the southern edge.
Elements 8 RTR:
Quality: Average
2x Matilda I, 2x Light Mk IVC, 1x BGC + 1x Inf, 3x 15cwt w 5 Inf + 1x
Setup: Enter board on turn 2-4. Either a rod on the west or east table
edge or anywhere on the north table edge. Place of entry must be marked
on a sketch map before play starts. Turn of entry determined randomly.
Elements 15
Quality: Average
2x A9 Cruiser, 2x A13 Cruiser, 1x BGC + 1x Inf, 3x 15cwt w 5 Inf + 1x
Setup: Enter board on turn 2-4. Either a rod on the west or east table
edge or anywhere on the north table edge. Place of entry must be marked
on a sketch map before play starts. Turn of entry determined randomly.
The Game:

The German view from the south.

The British view from the north of Little Pickington.

German armoured cars advance with caution towards Saint George's

The British commander is relaxed. His troops are in cover behind hills
or in fields of crops.

The Germans rush towards Little Pickington and its vital crossroads.

A Morris CS9 Armoured-Car opens fire on the advancing Germans.

Elements of the 7th RTR arrive to help defend Little Pickington.

German Panzer and Recce troops push on towards the crossroads.

German Motorised Infantry support the left flank of the attack.

German Commanders hard at work. Note that the British now have
reinforcements arriving on both flanks.
The 7th RTR can be seen crossing the
bridge in the foreground and the 15th Hussars entering
between the hills on the far side of the table.

The German advance looks unstoppable.

The advance of the 15th Hussars on the right flank starts to distract
the Germans from their main objective.
It's hard to concentrate on the crossroads when there are some Cruiser
tanks with armour
as think as a tin can to shoot at!

The Germans happily advance to take on the 15th Hussars. While the 7th
RTR quietly slips into Little Pickington the back way!

As darkness falls, the obsolete Matilda I tanks of the 7th RTR keep the
advancing Germans from entering Little Pickington.
The Result
Led by a brave Morris CS9 armoured car, the Cruiser tanks of the
15th Hussars, true to their cavalry roots, led a fanatical charge into
the Germans allowing Little Pickington to remain in British hands. The
following day, the 1st Armourded Division, using mostly London busses
and taxis as motor transport, advanced through Little Pickington and
pushed the Germans back onto the beaches. The Local Defense Volunteers
rallied under the leadership of a somewhat rotund bank manager and
attacked the beachhead in the flank. With no room to manoeuvre, and
short of both ammunition and supplies, the Germans reembarked and fled
the British Isles in an evacuation much less successful than Dunkirk!